Thursday, 21 June 2012

Rocca Borromeo, Angera, Italy - day 4

I decided to spend the day in the apartment, still scarred from the car ride yesterday so I need to settle my adrenalin down. Mike has been eating home cook hot breakfast, lunch and dinner most days. I think he appreciates coming home to a nice steak and steam vegs dinner. Waking up to eggs, sausages, spinach and mushroom breakfast.
Mike took me to Angera to see Rocca Borromeo. The palace with vineyard and dolls/toys collections from all over the world. It was rather an interesting collection, some would have passes a horror movie screening. One in particular was an old lady doll sitting on a chair with her skirt up to show her peeing... Most bizzare and unimaginable thing!
So today is rather a relaxing day. At least I know I will survive another day!

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